4 Simple Habits for a Happier, Healthier Life
These 4 small habits may be simple but they can make a huge impact on your happiness and your health.
Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Personality Buzz/ Self-Development
PersonalityBuzz happier, healthier, life
These 4 small habits may be simple but they can make a huge impact on your happiness and your health.
Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
Stop right there. Are you guilty of these common habits of highly unhappy people? Before you continue reading on, you need to be warned…
Communication/ Happiness/ Love/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Development
There are some essential things you deserve in a relationship. A healthy relationship challenges your boundaries and encourages you grow and expand your…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Healing/ Insight/ Intelligence/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Self-Worth/ Traits
If you suffer with anxiety, here’s the good news – you’re probably pretty intelligent. People who deal with anxiety can set their worries aside since…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Healing/ Insight/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
It’s hard to deal with critical voices, especially when the voices are the ones inside your own head. Some of us are really hard on ourselves. If you’re…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Insight/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
Have you ever been told you have “good vibes?” Can you think of someone you know that just makes being around them the best fun in the world? Our…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Insight/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Traits
Just because you like to be home, doesn’t mean you’re antisocial. No, you’re not. You’re just a homebody not ashamed. For some of us, this is simply who…
Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Healing/ Insight/ Personality Buzz/ Self-Development
We’ve all experienced that crippling and terror-inducing feeling of anxiety. Most people that have suffered through it say that sometimes it can even…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Fun Facts/ Happiness/ Insight/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
An ambivert is actually a hybrid of an extrovert and an introvert. One way to determine if someone is an ambivert is to notice if an individual displays…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
People that cry may viewed as weak, but they are actually far from it. The emotion of sadness must be released somehow, and crying is the best way to do…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Healing/ Insight/ Love/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Self-Worth/ Traits
No one wants to have fake people around them. Fake people can be toxic to you and can really bring you down. Sometimes, however, it’s not that easy to…
Emotional Health/ Happiness/ Healing/ Himalayan Salt Lamp/ Insight/ Personality Buzz
Himalayan salt lamps don’t just provide soothing low lighting, they also offer several health benefits. They can help clean the air we breathe, hence…