5 Warning Signs of a Verbally Abusive Relationship (And What to Do)
Being demeaned, diminished and put down are all forms of verbal abuse. It can take the form of insults, demeaning comments, gaslighting and more.
Healing/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Worth
PersonalityBuzz abusive relationship, relationship, verbal abuse, verbally abusive, verbally abusive relationship
Being demeaned, diminished and put down are all forms of verbal abuse. It can take the form of insults, demeaning comments, gaslighting and more.
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Healing/ Love/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Development/ Traits
Did you have a tough childhood? Childhood is often painted as an idyllic time in life that is full of innocence and the freedom…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Communication/ Fun Facts/ Insight/ Intelligence/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Thinking/ Traits
Introvert problems – the struggle is real. Introverts have long been one of the most misunderstood personality types…However…
Associations/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Healing/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships
Family relationships…Being part of a family is hard. There are times when the people who are closest to you can be the most frustrating people you know…
Associations/ Communication/ Fun Facts/ Insight/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Worth
Believe it, there are certain things you don’t owe anyone…there are many variations within the norm and we all live differently….
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Traits
Do you know anyone who has entitlement complex? There’s a thin line between maintaining a positive self-image and becoming a narcissistic bully…
Associations/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Worth
The toxic parent. Can parents really be toxic? The majority of parents do everything they can to raise healthy, happy children…
Charasteristics/ Communication/ Emotional Health/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Worth/ Traits
Some people deal with hidden depression on a regular basis. Just think for a minute about what depression looks like. Here are the signs…
Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Development/ Traits
How do emotionally intelligent people deal with toxic people? As if life weren’t already stressful enough…many of us come into contact with toxic people..
Communication/ Healing/ Insight/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships
There are several clear signs that you have a guardian angel nearby. Was there ever a time that you felt a strange presence near or beside you? A lot of…
Associations/ Charasteristics/ Emotional Health/ Insight/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Awareness/ Self-Development/ Traits
To determine if you have a strong personality, there are a few important signs to look for with how you live and act. Some people may not know what type…
Communication/ Happiness/ Love/ Personality/ Personality Buzz/ Relationships/ Self-Development
There are some essential things you deserve in a relationship. A healthy relationship challenges your boundaries and encourages you grow and expand your…