Are You Psychic? 8 Signs You Might Be

Do you wonder whether you might be psychic? Or maybe you know you are. Do you sometimes sense things before they happen or just know things for no apparent reason? If you think you might have the gift, chances are, to some extent, you probably do.

A growing number of cases cite particular life events or experiences you can attribute as the root of your psychic abilities. In other words, a certain event can actually trigger a person’s psychic gifts and tendencies. This doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone though – many people are simply naturally psychic.

These events are often not always comfortable or pleasant, but through them, many people ahve emerged with a heightened sixth sense.

Experiences that may lead to psychic ability:

1. A frightening experience

Having a frightening experience or near death experience (for instance because of an accident) may actually trigger a person’s psychic abilities. Events like these may cause the person involved to subconsciously attempt to connect to the spiritual world during the experience to seek some safety. Hence they begin to develop stronger psychic connections to the spirit world after surviving the experience.

2. Loss of a loved one

People who have lost a loved one may seek a deeper connection with the God, also referred to by some as the Great Source (the Source of all being) so that, again, they can find some comfort. This makes them more deeply in touch with their own spiritual essence as well or become more in tune with their soul, hence they develop certain psychic gifts.

3. After giving birth / becoming a parent.

New mothers may naturally begin to have a greater or stronger gift of intuition because of their innate desire to be “in tune ” with their newborn. They use this gift so they can nurture their child’s needs. A term commonly used for this is “mother’s intuition” but note, this doesn’t apply to mothers only. A male’s psychic abilities can also be triggered by the birth of their child.

4. Healing modalities (such as reiki, hypnosis or meditation)

People seeking the use of deep natural energy for physical healing also often discover psychic gifts from the rise of energy flow / vibrations to their minds and bodies. The reason for this is because of their shift towards greater awareness.

With that said, here are some signs you may be psychic. Note that psychic abilities can begin to manifest in countless ways and below are just some of

8 Signs You Might Be Psychic

Are You Psychic? 8 Signs You Might Be - Sensing when a loved one is sad/depressed or in danger

You may be psychic if you feel or sense the hurt or trouble of someone close to you or a loved one. The physical distance is not an obstacle in the transmission of this sense. Some also refer to this as being empathic.

Note: this may trigger some fear as well as a feeling of helpless in you, as you know there is problem but you actually can’t do anything about it.

2. Powerful dreams you remember in great detail

Have you ever awakened from a dream but felt it was entirely real? When you awake from a dream and remember everything in your dream with great detail, then this may also be an indication that you have a psychic ability (or a potential to develop it.)

The symbols or the events within the dream, especially as with your recurring dreams, can all provide insights to your or another person’s life, his/her current experiences, and possibly even provide a guess as to the course of his/her future life events.

3. Psychometry

Psychometry is the gift or ability to sense the energy of certain people or objects, most often when you touch them. You may sense, feel, or ‘know’ something based on the energy emanating from the person or object.

It may be something about the person’s previous life experience or an event from his or her past. The psychic individual may perceive certain sounds, smells or even see images associated with the touched person’s previous life.

4. Connection to departed souls

If you are often aware of the presence of a departed soul or the soul of a loved you know have already passed on, then you’re probably also psychic. The same is true if you sense angels and spirit guides. Some psychics are even able to actually see these entities.

5. Seeing two locations at the same time

Another strange gift or phenomenon for some psychics is their unique ability to experience both their own physical or present moments, while also “seeing” events simultaneously happening in another place.

6. Foretelling future events

You probably have psychic abilities too if you at one point you sensed something will happen and then later on come to find out that it actually happened. Being able to foretell the future is an indicator of being psychic.

Many books or guides are available to help you in developing your psychic skills further.

7. Mental telepathy

You are probably psychic if you have the gift of telepathy. This is when you can feel or experience certain mental connections with somebody else, or if you are able to send him/her your thoughts telepathically, or you know all about their thoughts.

8. Heightened physical senses

If you have a psychic ability, you may also have an uncanny ability to hear sounds other people are not able to hear, and you may also experience having visuals which render occurrences happening in that same location but at a different time. Sometimes it may not be entirely clear – rather just a feeling.