15 Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Person
Feeling overwhelmed? Can’t control your emotions or feelings? Feel like your life’s a mess and out of control? If so, then read on because you very well might be a highly sensitive person.
Highly sensitive people are also known as empaths. They usually carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, with a large amount of emotions rushing through them at the same time. If any of this is feeling familiar then don’t worry, the good news is that there probably isn’t anything wrong with you. Rather, you might just be a highly sensitive person and there are things you can do to ease your burden.
First off, you are not alone in the slightest. Studies have been conducted by researchers and the results have shown that only 15 to 20 percent of people carry a gene that makes them more sensitive than most other people. So to tell if you are one of these people or not, here are 15 signs most highly sensitive exhibit.
15 Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Person
1. Other people’s moods personally impact you.
Highly sensitive people are very attuned to how others are feelings and can easily sense the moods of others. Oftentimes, you don’t even need to talk to someone before you know what kind of mood they are in. While this can be a skill, it can also impact how you feel, especially if the other person is angry, sad or in a negative mood.
Highly sensitive people can literally feel other people’s emotions at times. On the flip side, people being happy and ecstatic can rub off too!
2. You are highly observant.
You notice things that most others don’t. Even the really subtle things. You can pick up on things such as the tone of someone’s voice or their facial expression and this provides you with valuable information about the people and things in your environment.
3. Your senses are amplified.
Your senses are stronger than other people’s senses. You can taste, smell, see, hear and feel things on a slighter higher level than most. Sometimes loud noises can make you jump and bright lights feel like too much. Because of this, you are often easily startled. On the other hand, however, you can notice movements, smells, materials and noises that are pleasant and that aid you in making your way around in the world.
4. You are a great listener.
You care about other people and want to understand them. Because of this you are a great listener.
5. You are sensitive to criticism.
If you find yourself reacting immediately to criticism, or becoming negative when someone criticizes you then this is a sign of a highly sensitive person. You can find yourself reacting poorly to many situations and feel as if you’ve done something wrong when your friends may just be trying to help you.
6. You have a lot of ideas.
Because you are so observant and in tune with other people, ideas come to you easily. You don’t try to be creative and innovative, but you just are.
7. Alone time is very important to you.
You feel the need to retreat to a private space and be alone with yourself for periods of time, to get away from the world in order to rejuvenate.
8. You are intuitive.
You can tell what’s up in a situation without having to be told. You just know things. You just do. Likewise, you can tell when someone is lying or genuine. You may even feel like you can predict certain occurrences sometimes.
9. You are easily overwhelmed.
As a highly sensitive person, you can easily become overwhelmed. This is especially true when life becomes stressful, when there is a lot to do or when the people around you are feeling emotional. It is important for you to keep your life simplified because the slightest thing can cause you to go off balance and leave you feeling shaken.
10. You have a low threshold for discomfort and pain (your own and that of others).
You are sensitive and as such, you have a lower tolerance for discomfort and pain than others. Likewise, because you can literally feel what others are feeling, you simply can’t stand for others to feel uncomfortable or to be in any sort of pain. It makes you wince every time you see or think of someone in pain. This can be really hard on you.
11. You get tired easily.
In addition to your own emotions, feeling the emotions of others all day long can be a draining thing. Likewise, because you feel things so intensely, you just generally get tired more easily than others and need your rest.
12. Things have a “feeling” attached to them.
You are a feeling person and as such certain smells, colors, people, places, and yes even specific times and weeks have a specific “feeling” to them.
13. Negative images or news impacts you.
Seeing images or videos that are violent disturb you in a big and lasting way. You turn away from these types of images and try not to look at the television or news when they appear because it affects you internally. The same is true of negative news and stories. You can only handle it in very small doses.
14. You can anticipate what others need.
You have a knack for knowing what others need in order to feel relaxed and comfortable. Because you are attuned to the feelings of others, you are also attuned to their needs. Likewise, the comfort and care of others is important to you.
15. People have said you are too sensitive.
People have commented to you before that you are overly sensitive, too emotional and that you wear your heart right out there on your sleeve. This may not happen to you anymore, but you can recall that as a child you were told you were too shy or too emotional.
So now that you know the signs, what can you do?
While it is difficult, there are a few things that you can do to manage your hyper sensitivity. Just remember that being a highly sensitive person is a benefit more than a hindrance. Being a sensitive person is a humanist perspective and we always need more of those in the world.
- Simplicity is key.
- Your home should be your temple away from the outside world.
- Also cut out any toxic people in your life.
- Remember to eat well and stay hydrated. Drinks lots of water.
- Learn to be in touch with your OWN feelings.
- Try to avoid stimulants like cigarettes and coffee.
- Remind yourself that you are not a mess.
- Don’t binge on alcohol. Take it easy or don’t drink at all.
- Manage your activities and don’t forget your personal time.
- Cut out unavoidable or self-inflicted stress.